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The Trap of Offense: How Our Hearts Lose Their Effectiveness for Christ

Offense is something we all encounter, but how we handle it can determine the strength of our relationships and our spiritual growth. The Bible warns us about the dangers of offense, showing us how it can become a stumbling block, not only in our relationships with others but also in our walk with God. Whether it’s due to unmet expectations, misunderstandings, or difficult seasons, offense can take root in our hearts if we’re not careful. However, through Scripture, and the power of the Holy Spirit we can overcome offense and prevent it from hindering our lives. 1. The Nature of Offense Proverbs 18:19 NKJV – "A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle." Just as any tool has a function, offense is a tool of the enemy that's function is to divide. Offense builds walls in our hearts, shutting down relationships and creating barriers. God’s greatest desire is to see us thrive in our relationships, which is why it’s so
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