For the video version of this article go here: Yesterday I made a video that touches in the realm of prophetic dreams and the varied response brought to my attention how there is a large ignorance gap in the church as it relates to the function, nature, and approach we should be taking when seeking to interpret dreams that appear to come from the Lord. Firstly, if you are a Cessationist (believing most spiritual gifts have ceased) then you have started from a place that fully excludes the possibility of God speaking through dreams in modern times because you ultimately believe it may undermine the authority of scripture. I can understand this reservation. However, scripture is meant to guide us in the process of hearing from God not prohibit the process entirely. If you are a Continuationist (believing all spiritual gifts still operate) like myself then the challenge becomes two-fold. 1.) How do I initially discern the difference b...
Expanding your knowledge of Scripture simply, and practically.